"The question is not whether they have judgment, nor whether they can speak, but whether they can suffer" - Jeremi Bentham, philosopher, lawyer (1748-1832)


"Chestiunea nu e dacă au judecată, nici dacă pot vorbi, ci dacă pot să sufere" - Jeremi Bentham, filosof, avocat (1748-1832)


"The question is not whether they have judgment, nor whether they can speak, but whether they can suffer" - Jeremi Bentham, philosopher, lawyer (1748-1832)


"Chestiunea nu e dacă au judecată, nici dacă pot vorbi, ci dacă pot să sufere" - Jeremi Bentham, filosof, avocat (1748-1832)


European Parliament votes for increased animal protection

European Parliament votes for increased animal protection

This October, at the initiative of the Party for Animals in the Netherlands and with the support of MEP Anja Hazekamp, the European Parliament voted in favor of the proposal to grant the highest po...

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Meat advertising ban

Meat advertising ban

The administration of the city of Haarlem, west of the Dutch capital Amsterdam, has decided to ban meat advertising from public space starting in 2024. This makes it th...

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